Saturday, 2 May 2015

Blog 2 - Still Here!

Day 2 – And I know what you're thinking. I'm doing great eh?
Well I must admit I wasn't too sure I would just end up going to bed, sleeping, waking-up and forgetting all about it.

Interesting day today. Look what arrived....

One Lovely Moleskine Watercolour Sketchbook.

I was over the moon I can tell you. My beautiful wife had sent off for this lovely Moleskine Watercolour Sketchbook. I think these things are great. And the size is perfect for me. I just hope I can use it without spending too much time worrying about ruining it. The whole point is just to sketch & paint for fun...making marks.

Lucinda has been making something much more important; ice cream – Rum & Raisin and Vanilla this afternoon. She really has a knack for creating the most wonderful things. She made pasta and meatballs in a lovely sauce for tea. Then we watched The Hobbit 2 with Conor. While watching this film, Lucinda brought us the ice cream to was delicious...! Conor got tired and of course, he had to get up early the next day for work so he went to bed half-way through but we watched it all. I still have my doubts about the Hobbit. I would like to like but...I just think they stretched a little book just that bit too far. Not really bad but... 


  1. Rum and Raisin and Vanilla, Pasta and Meatballs and the Hobbit 2 WOW a feast for sure, of course I have never seen the Hobbit or the sequel but I have heard that it is a worthy offering, mind you I think that these days books made into films do tend to become lengthy, but I can only offer thoughts on what I saw, and as I haven't seen it yet I shall make a point of doing so (hmm... my sentences are getting longer too, it must be the thought of Hobbit, or something similar, in habit). I really like the present that your wife Lucinda bought for you and as I have already seen some of your artistic creations I can honestly say how this gift has already reached the heights from your talents as an artist. So, how much of that Rum and Raisin ice cream did you eat, and more importantly, is there any left? :) LOL No, I didn't think so...

    Gray Dawster, Andro Vampy and Me :)

  2. Hello Stewart, I'm a pretty newish friend on Facebook, came across your blog and was stunned...such positivity and humour and sharing, somehow, in the face of knock after knock after Russian Dolls, both of you. I've tried to write in here twice before but failed each time at the Google account hurdle. Today, fingers crossed, I've got through it: couldnt bear not to write. Radiotherapy on its own for weeks on end is dire, without Chemo as well. My husband, Julian went every day for 6 weeks..and each day he'd come back greyer and greyer and just fall into bed.What got us through was the depth of our love for each other....and you and Lucinda have that, in spades. When you have each other..even in the blackest times, you'll never be alone. I can picture you drawing in yourt new moleskin and love the pleasure you're getting out of that and your new brush pen. I'd love to send you something special, to add to your creative experiences...maybe a grey toned Strathmore Moleskin. I've had mine a few months now and love it to bits. I'll send for one for you..but will need your address. One last thing.. my gut feeling is ..that despite all the knocks and knocks and more knocks ..your body has kept on fighting and your spirit still you must have tremendous inner strength and that's worth more than any jewels or medicines. You're fighting it..and winning.Look how long you've looked it in the eye and kept going <3. Thankyou for sharing to help others understand..wonderful. Much love to you both. Pat (Pat Southern-Pearce)

  3. Hello Pat,

    Well I am speechless – lost for words and Over The Moon, all at the same time.
    I have been through radiotherapy twice – the first time (Southampton General, last year), was every day for 6 weeks like your husband. And the second time was in June this year after the brain operation (Southampton again), which was every day for a week – radiotherapy to the head.
    The first time I had weeks of chemotherapy followed by radiotherapy/chemo together for six weeks.

    I'm sorry that you had a hard time posting a comment. I have had that when commenting on others blogs with blogger.
    If you do not mind me you have a blog/website as I would like to be able to ogle your beautiful sketches and wonderful lettering? I would love to be able to make such exquisite lettering like yours, but alas I'm not sure the shaking would help. Maybe there is somewhere I could learn for free on the internet.
    I must admit, I've been toying with the idea of using toned paper and maybe getting a pen for trying my hand at urban sketching – problem being that we can't by everything . . . ha ha . . .

    “What got us through was the depth of our love for each other....and you and Lucinda have that, in spades.”
    Thank you, this is exactly the type of message we are trying to get through to people.
    Love, Positivity, Kindness (you have that in spades :-) ),Happiness . . . . These states of mind help so much. Once you lose hope, clawing back up is very hard + being down does not help your Wife, Husband, Partner, Family, Friends . . . .
    The opposite of Love, Positivity, Kindness Happiness produces stress on a grand level – not good for the body.

    Anyway Pat, I shall send our address via Facebook message.
    Thank you so much for everything.
    Love & Positivity
    Lucinda and Stew. XXX
